7.0 magnitude massive earthquake strikes on Haiti, followed by about 28 aftershocks. T.T
Building like the hospital collapsed and many were trapped underneath. Many are dead.
The Haitian Ministry of Agriculture partnered with the 43rd Medical Detachment (Veterinary Services) to give vaccination to pets in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti.

As a translator shouted through a bull horn to “bring out your cats and dogs for a free rabies vaccination.” Almost immediately, a crowd formed and Operation Fast and Furious was underway.

Their mission is to vaccinate all (perhaps most of them) the pets, for the prevention of rabies disease. The veterinarians were working on a pretty strict time line where they need to finish their jobs in 22 days, the end of March, 2010.

“We were vaccinating the animals right there in the streets. People were coming out of houses and down the road with their animals. They brought their cats to us in bags. Even though it was hot out, with crowds of people surrounding us and sometimes we had very angry animals, it was worth it to know that we’re helping the Haitians out.” I'm so glad that even place like Haiti, after that disaster, they (Haitians) still love their pets too. :)

Black dog~
When the mission was complete, the vet teams had vaccinated nearly 10,000 animals and helped deliver vaccines which would protect nearly 540,000 more animals and countless people from rabies infection. Yay~ Good job vet teams!

Vaccinating the doggies~~
We'll make a better day~ Just you and me~ :)
♪We are the World 25 Haiti♪ [Youtube]
I like this song!! >.>
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